These guys are all kinds of awesome, as they have each helped us, in one way or another, keep Funnybone Youth Theatre going throughout the years!



It would be impossible for us to go on year after year without the support of several people in the local community who have either donated their time, facilities or funds to us. We always welcome new patrons and we are grateful beyond measure for all that our current patrons have done for us.


Mr and Mrs J R Bennet


Peter and Gill Gleed


Mr & Mrs A Trenary


Geoff & Frances Day


C Toms and Son



Fowey River Academy. They very kindly let us use their hall and other facilities.  They also have the Fowey town Sports Hub, a great facility that offers a gym as well as other bookable sports classes and a soft play session for young children on Saturdays.


Park Road Post Office. They have helped handle our ticket sales for many years.


The Safe Harbour Inn.  We have held many Fundraisers, auditions and annual general meetings within their hallowed walls.  Graham and the rest of the Safe Harbour crew are amazing to us, they also run a fantastic establishment that any visitor to Fowey should check out (or even stay at as it is also a guest house).


Rog Butler of Chucklefoot for writing ‘The Funnybone Song’  (which we will post here for your listening pleasure soon).


New Creative Media. Run by Lisa & Paul Hupfield, they have made (and web host) this lovely site for us and are also designing some of our new posters, as well their most important contribution... letting us use their daughter in our pantomimes. They have recently become full time members of Funnybone theatre group.


And of course, let’s not forget all of the parents and helpers throughout the years who help keep the good ship Funnybone afloat, whilst we rehearse and stage each year’s pantomime!