We are a volunteer - non profit - organisation and we need your help to keep us going.  If you think you can donate some time to our theatre group, or help us with a financial donation, we promise, we will love you forever!




There are several ways you can donate to us to help Funnybone Youth Theatre keep on doing what we have been doing for 15 years.  No donation is too small and all are gratefully received!




Learn more below.


We are funded solely from donations and the profit we make from each of our shows, so financial contributions are vital to our survival.  Please follow our Paypal donate link above to send us your donation today!  Thanks!


Or you can drop money into our donation buckets at any of our shows, or help us by sending a cheque made payable to:


Fowey Funnybone Theatre and sent to the following address: 53 Green Lane Fowey PL23 1DX


Or you could bank transfer us your donation too:


Fowey Funnybone Youth Theatre

Sort Code 20-74-20

Acc No. 83725278


We will credit you with immense thanks in our next outgoing programme, or you can remain anonymous if you would prefer.



We can use most any kind of building material in our shows, we also need things like paper reams, to print our scripts, old clothing to fashion into costumes... perhaps you own a printing business that can help with our programmes, that kind of thing.  If you think you can help us by donating goods, please contact us.


We will credit you with immense thanks in our next outgoing programme.


Perhaps the most valuable commodity of all - your time.  Would you like to help us out during rehearsals?  Free during February half term to run our front of house, or help backstage whilst we put on the pantomime?  We exist solely because of the donation of valuable time from our volunteers.


If you would like to help out, please contact us stating your availability and interest and we will find you a suitable role.  Thanks!